Wie schnell es mit der Glückseligkeit vorbei sein kann, zeigt wieder ein Fall aus der Obama-Diktatur in Amerikanistan.

Der konservative Blogger, Andrew Breitbart, Aktivist, Journalist und Tea-Party Führer stirbt mit 43 Jahren aus heiterem Himmel. Obwohl noch keine Autopsie stattgefunden hat, verkünden die Medien bereits, dass er eines natürlichen Todes starb und schon seit langem an einem Herzleiden litt.

Zufälliger weise starb er nachdem er ankündigte brisante Bänder veröffentlichen zu wollen, die Obama in seiner Jugendzeit zeigen, bzw. sprechen lassen.

Einen denkwürdigen Nachruf hier von Infowars:


Breitbart’s untimely death has shocked the media world and left some to question whether or not damning footage of Obama in his youth, which Breitbart announced he had obtained only last month, will still be released.

According to some observers, the footage threatened to sink Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign.
“I’ve got video from his college days that show you why racial division and class warfare are central to what hope and change was sold in 2008 – the videos are going to come out,” Breitbart told a crowd during a CPAC speech in February, adding that the video shows Obama meeting “a bunch of silver pony tails” like Bill and Bernardine Dohrn (Weather Underground members), who radicalized him.

Breitbart was probably best known for his role in exposing ACORN, a community-based organization with links to the Democratic Party, with the release of undercover videos showing ACORN workers advising people how to hide evidence of prostitution and commit tax evasion.