Wandere aus, solange es noch geht - Finca Bayano in Panama!
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  1. #1
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    Proteste irischer Studenten 'Bildung, nicht Emigration'!

    Der Honigmann weist auf Videos von Protesten irischer Studenten hin, die auf PrisonPlanet und zerohedge zu sehen sind, und er hat noch einige weitere Informationen zum Thema. URLs am Schluss und Vielen Dank an den Honigmann!

    In den Beschreibungen der Videos wird die Parole 'Bildung, nicht Emigration' - 'Education not Emigration!' genannt.


    Videomaterial von Protesten in Irland, Finanzministerium belagert

    ( von Tyler Durden Original: Video Footage Of Protests In Ireland, Ministry Of Finance Besieged )

    Entgegen herkömmlicher Weisheit haben sich die Menschen in Irland, während die Kursgewinne der irischen Aktien auf Rekordwerte anstiegen, nicht vor Freude bis zur Bewusstlosigkeit betrunken, sondern die Dinge in die eigenen Hände genommen.

    Bisher hat es noch jede bankrotte europäische Regierung zumindest geschafft, ihre Bevölkerung auf die Straße zu bekommen damit diese gegen etwas protestiert, und im Fall von Griechenland Waddell und Reed* dazu gebracht, einige Spoo**-Werte zu verkaufen, was zum größten Crash in der Geschichte der Kapitalmärkte führte. Nur in der am schlimmsten bankrotten Nation von allen, den USA, hocken weiterhin mehr als 300 Millionen Einwohner zu Hause und sehen sich Wiederholungen von Sitcoms an.

    Beachten Sie besonders Teil 4, in dem das Finanzministerium belagert wird.

    Part 1 - Irish Students Protest - Dublin 3/11/10

    Part 2 - Irish Students Protest- Dublin 3/11/10

    Part 3 - Irish Students Protest (Outside the Dail) - Dublin 3/11/10

    Part 4 - Irish Students Protest (Department of Finance) - Dublin 3/11/10

    Part 5 - Irish Students Protest (Department of Finance) - Dublin 3/11/10

    Weiterhin gibt der Honigmann noch den Link für “Praktischer Wegweiser für die Weltwirtschaftskrise” an und weist auf ein Video über die Neuen Obdachlosen in Amerika hin.


    Der Honigmann sagt: Die Angst vor Staatspleiten wächst


    * sueddeutsche.de: Europa und der Flash Crash

    ** investopedia: Spoo


    Alex Jones' Prison Planet: Video Footage Of Protests In Ireland, Ministry Of Finance Besieged

  2. #2
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    AW: Proteste irischer Studenten 'Bildung, nicht Emigration'!

    Am Wochenende hat man ja Zeit für Videos. Für folgenden Realhorror oder folgende Real-Science-Fiction braucht man aber auch noch gute Nerven:

    abovetopsecret.com: Gerald Celente predicts rioting and revolution by 2012


    Fox Business: Gerald Celente Predicts Revolution


    Gerald Celente: 2010 Brings the Great Depression - January 11, 2010


    Celente on 2010: Wave of Terror, Internet revolt & War on migration


    Gerald Celente on Greece: People will rise against bank bailouts globally


    Gerald Celente Predicts 2010 Will be The Summer of Terror on Alex Jones Tv 1/5

    Gerald Celente Predicts 2010 Will be The Summer of Terror on Alex Jones Tv 2/5

    Gerald Celente Predicts 2010 Will be The Summer of Terror on Alex Jones Tv 3/5

    Gerald Celente Predicts 2010 Will be The Summer of Terror on Alex Jones Tv 4/5

    Gerald Celente Predicts 2010 Will be The Summer of Terror on Alex Jones Tv 5/5


    Wikipedia (englisch) Gerald Celente



    "The Crash of '09 was as dramatic as the crash of '29. The New Depression had begun." (Trends Journal, Summer 2008, pg. 12)


    Some areas of the U.S. are experiencing resurgences in real estate values due to highly localized factors, and some investors profit from this. However, the rises will almost all stop and reverse with time, and the overall national trend in real estate values is downward. (T.J. Summer 08, pg. 8)

    Ghost malls have become a common sight across America. Especially hard-hit are big chain stores (Sears, Home Depot, etc.). (T.J. Summer 08, pg. 8)


    Developers have begun rehabbing some of the ghost malls for more productive uses. (T.J. Summer 08, pg. 9)


    The economic policies of the U.S. government over the past few years have failed to fix America's fundamental problems and have merely papered over them and in fact made them worse. By 2012, the "American Empire" is collapsing. In the U.S., basic staple goods like quality food and water are too expensive for most people to afford,(T.J. Summer 08, pg. 1) and "food riots" happen across the country (T.J. Summer 09, pg.1). Major American cities look like disaster zones, and mass homelessness exists across the country. Crime is rampant, with much of it being directed at the rich. (T.J. Summer 08, pg. 1) Kidnappings and ransomings of rich people are on the rise. Average people fed up with big government, high taxes and out-of-control spending join tax revolts. (T.J. Summer 09, pg. 1) The world is also experiencing major environmental problems and "the blackest of plagues." The global financial system has also "melted down" and the situation is very bad outside the U.S.(T.J. Summer 08, pg. 1) The advanced industrial economies collapse first, and their sagging consumer spending drags down the export-based economies of emerging economies next.(T.J. Summer 09, pg. 2) The economy is as bad as it was during the Great Depression in many ways. In spite of all this, the U.S. government, power elites, and mainstream media continue to insist that the fundamentals of the world economy are sound, and that official policies can lead to a recovery. A growing number of average people, however, doubt this. (T.J. Summer 08, pg. 1)

    While the Mayan and Hopi prophecies of global destruction do not come to pass, 2012 is indeed a watershed year that sees the death of an ailing and unsustainable global economic system and lifestyle and its replacement with something better. (T.J. Summer 08, pg. 2)

    By 2012, Obama is viewed by most as a stale president who sold himself as a fresh, visionary candidate in 2008 and instead proved to be a servant of the big corporations and the military-industrial complex like his predecessors.(T.J. Summer 09, pg. 5) His economic policies only delayed disaster and in fact have made the situation worse: Expansionary monetary policy and the various government bailouts and stimulus programs create a "Bailout Bubble" that invariably bursts in a cataclysm for the U.S. and world economy.(T.J. Summer 09, pg. 11) Obama blames other factors for this and might have even tried to start a war by 2012 to distract attention from the domestic misery.(T.J. Summer 09, pg. 12) Obama's foreign policy has also failed to accomplish anything significant on the world stage, and Pakistan is a mess and the Afghan war continues to drag on without hope of conclusion.(T.J. Summer 09, pg. 12)

    In the 2012 U.S. elections, online news sites, bloggers and independent journalists wield as much influence on voters as mainstream media outlets (TV, cable, magazines, newspapers) for the first time. This breaks the corporate and moneyed stranglehold on American politics and allows a third party to attain nation-level recognition. (T.J. Summer 08, pg. 5)

    Broad future trends

    Americans will adapt to lower standards of living and will travel less, both on a daily basis and for vacations. Higher fuel costs, advances in telecommuting and an aging American population will push many more people to work from home or close to home. Walking-distance communities will be constructed and will become popular. (T.J. Summer 08, pg. 7)

    Geographically isolated resort destinations like Las Vegas will wither due to higher fuel costs, lower American incomes and increased overseas competition while vacation spots closer to population centers will revive. (T.J. Summer 08, pg. 9)

    Government-run lotteries, on the other hand, will thrive. (T.J. Summer 08, pg. 9)

    In America and to a lesser extent overseas, consumer spending habits will be motivated out of fear and escapism. Businesses that capitalize upon this will succeed. (T.J. Summer 09, pg. 24)

  3. #3
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    AW: Proteste irischer Studenten 'Bildung, nicht Emigration'!

    Auch in Großbritannien wurde demonstriert:

    Studenten stürmen Zentrale der Regierungspartei


    Die Polizei wurde von der Gewaltbereitschaft der Demonstranten überrascht und war zunächst weitgehend machtlos. Polizisten mussten sich Dienstmützen und Helme vom Kopf reißen lassen. Einige Ordnungshüter erlitten leichte Verletzungen.


    Die Erhöhung der Studiengebühren ist Teil des Sparkonzeptes der Regierung. Das nach der Bankenkrise hoch verschuldete Großbritannien kämpft gegen Staatsverschuldung und Rekorddefizit. In den nächsten vier bis fünf Jahren sollen im Staatshaushalt 81 Milliarden Pfund eingespart werden. Hunderttausende Jobs im öffentlichen Dienst stehen auf dem Spiel.

    British Students Protest Tuition Hike

    Die Studiengebühren sollen nicht nur 'erhöht', sondern verdreifacht werden:

    Thousands of students marched through London on Wednesday against plans to triple university tuition fees, and violence erupted as a minority battled police and trashed a building containing the headquarters of the governing Conservative Party. (Nov. 10)

    Raw Video: British Students Protest Tuition Hike

  4. #4
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    AW: Proteste irischer Studenten 'Bildung, nicht Emigration'!

    Vor ein paar Jahren hat man Irland als vorbildlich hingestellt und angesichts der massiven Finanzhilfen der EU war es kein Wunder, dass das einstige Armenhaus Europas wohlhabender wurde. Wie man sieht, war das alles aber nur auf Spekulationen aufgebaut und hatte kein tragendes Fundament. Das von den einstigen "Aufsteigern" Spanien, Irland und Griechenland als auf dem absteigenden Ast befindliche verspottete Deutschland darf nun also wieder den Retter spielen

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