Violent, destructive riots that erupted late on Wednesday night at the Souda migrant camp on Chios island resulted in several arrests of migrants.

The incident started around 11:00 pm after a group of migrants broke into a store selling fireworks and then started shooting fireworks in the sky and at surrounding houses. According to local residents who spoke on ERT Aegean television station, they shot fireworks at houses and threw rocks and bottles at passing cars.

The migrants then smashed cars and shop windows in the area surrounding the camp. Some of them set fire to the tents inside the camp, burning most of them, as local residents told ERT Aegean.

Riot police arrived on the spot and blocked the surrounding streets to contain the migrants. Police used tear gas and stun grenades to disperse rioters, who ran back inside the camp.

The riots stopped around 3:00 am on Thursday. Police made several arrests after entering the camp, but the exact number has not been announced.

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Die zweite Nacht in Folge ist es zu Bränden im Flüchtlingslager Souda auf der Ägäisinsel Chios gekommen. Aufgebrachte Bewohner der Insel warfen von außen Brandsätze auf die Zelte, nachdem am Vorabend Migranten Feuer gelegt hatten. Das berichtete der Fernsehsender Skai.
Am Mittwochabend hatten Geflüchtete ein Geschäft mit Feuerwerkskörpern geplündert und auf das Lager gefeuert. Dabei wurden auch Häuser in der Nachbarschaft getroffen, Bewohner seien in Panik geraten. Die Polizei konnte 37 Menschen festnehmen.