Wandere aus, solange es noch geht - Finca Bayano in Panama!
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  1. #11

    AW: Sikh-Terrorismus - Khalistan Zindabad Force (KZB)

    former 3ho cult member



    The Yogi Bhajan cult was started by Yogi Bhajan who is alleged to have criminal antecedents in India and who was most likely a sleeper asset of Indian Intelligence agencies fighting a strategic war against Sikhism. What is known for certain is that he was a petty customs agent at the Delhi Airport and a petty criminal who augmented his living by taking small bribes. He was in other words a practised scoundrel. We have inconvertible evidence from confidential sources that he was recruited by the Research And Analysis Wing to infiltrate the Sikh dissidents in the West. He parlayed this opportunity into the creation of a sect. A sect which eventually amassed a multi-billion dollar empire. He was also alleged to be a rape artist who preferred to settle his case out of court for a huge sum of money rather than vindicate his innocence through a jury of his peers: see: A Rapist Called Yogi Bhajan? It is important for Americans to appreciate that this is a predator cult which has nothing in common with Sikhism.

    The sect has it’s headquarters in Espanola, New Mexico. This cult completely inverts Sikhism and is trying hard to foist a neutered interpretation of Sikhism.



    Indian Intelligence agencies yogi bhajan
    Geändert von burgfee (25.04.2016 um 23:36 Uhr)

  2. #12

    AW: Sikh-Terrorismus - Khalistan Zindabad Force (KZB)

    Es wird immer skurriler.... Tantra, Hinduism and cannibalism

    Kundalini Yoga is Tantra. Tantra is well known for it’s excursions into finding a Hindu God or Godddess (like the Goddess Durga) by deviant sexual practises. For example, you can google: Tantra, Hinduism and cannibalism to inquire into corpse eating tantric practises. Tantra and Yoga are completely disavowed in Sikhism. I would almost hypothesize that astral rape is nothing more than drugging a girl with bhang, sudakkar or some other tantric concoction and then raping her silly. She can then be told that she was astrally loved by a being from Uranus. Was This is the type of stuff this predator was involved in?

    disavowed (auch: abnegated) = abgeleugnet

    Tantra, Hinduism and cannibalism

    aghori kannibalismus

    Montag, 9. März 2015 von Catharina Heindl
    Die unheimlichen Kannibalen-Mönche von Varanasi
    Befremdlich und faszinierend: Die Aghori zwingen uns zum Hinsehen

    Sie essen Menschenfleisch und trinken aus Totenköpfen: Die Bräuche der indischen Aghori klingen wie aus einem Gruselfilm, den man nicht sehen möchte. Warum sie die Menschen trotzdem zum Hinsehen zwingen und wie es ein Mönch schaffte, dem Wahnsinn einen unerwarteten Twist zu geben.



    Geändert von burgfee (26.04.2016 um 00:29 Uhr)

  3. #13

    AW: Sikh-Terrorismus - Khalistan Zindabad Force (KZB)

    Aghori, the legitimate cannibals of India
    Večernji list, September 2004

    If somebody were to tell you stories about people who indulge in alcohol and drugs, who live in cemeteries, eat human flesh, and have sexual intercourse with corpses, you would definitely think that they are talking about some lunatic, Satanist, or at least mentally ill person. However, if these people live in India and are called Aghori, then almost billion Hindus believe they are holly men, and their ‘filthy’ deeds are not considered repulsive and pervert, rather they are welcomed and worthy of respect. If you attend a ritual burning of the deceased somewhere in India, and Aghoris happen to be nearby, then you may witness an astonishing and disgusting event. In rare instances, the flesh of the deceased does not burn completely, which is a bad sign. The son of the deceased, regardless of the caste he belongs to, then seeks a filthy, messy, and drunken Aghori, and kindly asks him to eat his deceased parent’s remains. The Aghori would then prepare himself for the ritual called sadhana and meditate near the fire. When the fire would extinguish, he would eat the remains of the deceased, thus saving the soul of the deceased from aimless wondering, so it can head towards new reincarnation.


  4. #14

    AW: Sikh-Terrorismus - Khalistan Zindabad Force (KZB)

  5. #15

    AW: Sikh-Terrorismus - Khalistan Zindabad Force (KZB)

    Religionen und Bevölkerungsgruppen

    Die Mehrheit der Einwohner Varanasis sind Hindus. Daneben gibt es eine größere muslimische Minderheit, die rund ein Drittel der Bevölkerung ausmacht. Unter der städtischen Bevölkerung des Distrikts Varanasi (Varanasi und einige Kleinstädte der Umgebung) machen nach der Volkszählung 2001 Hindus 68,6 Prozent und Muslime 30,6 Prozent aus.[8] Andere Religionen spielen demografisch kaum eine Rolle, Varanasi ist aber Sitz des Bistums Varanasi der römisch-katholischen Kirche.

    Wegen seiner religiösen Bedeutung hat Varanasi seit alters her Hindus aus anderen Teilen Südasiens angezogen, von denen sich viele in der Stadt niedergelassen haben. So gibt es in Varanasi größere Gemeinschaften von Volksgruppen wie Bengalen, Tamilen, Nepalesen und anderen, die in eigenen Vierteln leben und Tempel im Stil ihrer Heimatregionen erbaut haben.

    Varanasi soll um 1.200 v. Chr. von Kashya, dem Sohn von Suhottra, gegründet worden sein. 1193 wurde die Stadt von Qutb-ud-Din Aibak, dem General der Ghuriden, eingenommen. Er machte sich von den Ghuriden unabhängig und gründete das Sultanat von Delhi. Für die nächsten 500 Jahre stand Varanasi unter muslimischer Herrschaft. In dieser Zeit traten viele Hindus zum Islam über. Während der Herrschaft von Akbar an der Wende zum 17. Jahrhundert wurde die Stadt von einem hinduistischen Statthalter regiert, der mehrere Tempel und ein Observatorium errichtete. Diese Bauwerke sind jedoch nicht erhalten. Shah Jahan setzte seinen Sohn Dara Shukoh als Statthalter in Varanasi ein. Er pflegte enge Beziehungen mit hinduistischen Gelehrten und befasste sich mit ihren Lehren. Aurangzeb, der Ende des 17. Jahrhunderts eine Politik der Reislamisierung betrieb, schloss in der Stadt die Schulen der muslimischen Gelehrten, die sich mit hinduistischen Lehren befassten, ließ einen hinduistischen Tempel zerstören, um an seiner Stelle eine Moschee zu errichten, und benannte die Stadt in Muhammadābād um. Dieser Name hat sich allerdings nicht durchsetzen können. Nach seinem Tod wurde 1739 Balwant Singh, der Sohn eines Hindu Zamindar zum Raja von Varanasi erhoben. Er arbeitete mit der britischen East India Company zusammen, geriet aber immer mehr in ihre Abhängigkeit. 1775 kam sein Territorium unter britische Verwaltung, die Familie von Balwant Singh behielt aber den Raja-Titel. 1950 wurde das Gebiet Teil des Bundesstaates Uttar Pradesh. Das Königshaus besteht aber bis heute weiter.[14]


    Geändert von burgfee (26.04.2016 um 00:58 Uhr)

  6. #16

    AW: Sikh-Terrorismus - Khalistan Zindabad Force (KZB)

    James R. Lewis (born November 3, 1949) is a professional writer and academic specializing in new religious movements, astrology and New Age.

    Life and work

    Lewis was born in Leonardtown, Maryland, and raised in New Port Richey, Florida. In his youth, in the early and mid-seventies, he was a member of Yogi Bhajan's 3HO, a new religious movement combining the teachings of kundalini yoga and Sikhism.[1] Feeling disenchanted with the organization, he formed a small and short-lived breakaway movement.[1]

    Lewis received his Ph.D. in Religious Studies from the University of Wales, Lampeter, in the United Kingdom, and pursued a career as a professional reference book writer in the 1990s. In 1992, he formed an academic association called AWARE, with the primary goal "to promote intellectual and religious freedom by educating the general public about existing religions and cultures, including, but not limited to, alternative religious groups."[2] Describing its outlook as "scholarly and non-sectarian", AWARE stated that it sought to educate scholars and the general public about the persecution of religious and cultural minorities in the United States and abroad, and to assist the United States in its efforts to counter prejudice.[2] Other scholars involved in the formulation of AWARE as an "anti-anti-cult organization" included Eileen Barker, David G. Bromley, and Jeffrey Hadden, who felt a need for an organization of academics prepared to appear as expert witnesses in court cases.[3] AWARE proved controversial; critics complained that Lewis associated too closely with NRM members, and Lewis dissolved the body in December 1995 after concerns from members of its advisory board.[3]



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