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    Muslim Man Prozeßbeginn Amoklauf in Fort Hood

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    Frau vor der Kaaba geköpft

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  2. #2

    Prozeßbeginn Amoklauf in Fort Hood

    Amoklauf in Fort Hood

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    Karte von Fort Hood. Der rote Punkt markiert den ungefähren Ort der Schießerei.

    Abtransport von Verletzten unmittelbar nach der Schießerei

    Beim Amoklauf in Fort Hood wurden am 5. November 2009 auf der Militärbasis der US Army in Fort Hood (Texas) 13 Menschen erschossen und 42 weitere verletzt.

    Gegen 13:30 Uhr kam es auf dem Stützpunkt zu einem Amoklauf. Der mutmaßliche Täter, ein Militärpsychologe namens Nidal Malik Hasan, betrat ein Großraumbüro an seinem Arbeitsplatz, dem Soldier Readiness Center, in dem Soldaten auf ihre Versetzung in Einsatzgebiete vorbereitet werden.[1] Er sprang er mit dem Ruf Allahu akbar auf einen Tisch und begann zu schießen. Er gab über 100 Schüsse mit zwei zuvor eingeschmuggelten großkalibrigen Pistolen vor allem auf Soldaten in Uniform ab.[2] Der Vorfall ereignete sich im zivilen Bereich des Militärstützpunktes Fort Hood. Die Soldaten sind dort bis auf wenige Polizeikräfte unbewaffnet.[3]
    Er wurde von der Polizei angeschossen und ist seitdem vom Hals abwärts gelähmt.[4]
    Hasan muss sich vor einem Militärgericht verantworten; ihm droht die Todesstrafe. Der Prozess beginnt im Mai 2013.


  3. #3

    AW: Prozeßbeginn Amoklauf in Fort Hood

    Bei den Opfern handelt es sich um christliche Soldaten.

    Zudem erfährt man in diesem Audiotape, daß Obama christlichen amerikanischen Soldaten verboten hat ihre Religion auszuleben. Zuwiderhandlung kommen vor das Militärgericht und die betreffenden Soldaten werden vom Dienst suspendiert, im Extremfall sogar exekutiert!


  4. #4

    AW: Prozeßbeginn Amoklauf in Fort Hood

    Pentagon May Court Martial Soldiers Who Share Christian Faith


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    by Ken Klukowski 1 May 2013 post a comment
    The Pentagon has released a statement confirming that soldiers could be prosecuted for promoting their faith: "Religious proselytization is not permitted within the Department of Defense...Court martials and non-judicial punishments are decided on a case-by-case basis...”.

    The statement, released to Fox News, follows a Breitbart News report on Obama administration Pentagon appointees meeting with anti-Christian extremist Mikey Weinstein to develop court-martial procedures to punish Christians in the military who express or share their faith.
    (From our earlier report: Weinstein is the head of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, and says Christians--including chaplains--sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ in the military are guilty of “treason,” and of committing an act of “spiritual rape” as serious a crime as “sexual assault.” He also asserted that Christians sharing their faith in the military are “enemies of the Constitution.”)
    Being convicted in a court martial means that a soldier has committed a crime under federal military law. Punishment for a court martial can include imprisonment and being dishonorably discharged from the military.
    So President Barack Obama’s civilian appointees who lead the Pentagon are confirming that the military will make it a crime--possibly resulting in imprisonment--for those in uniform to share their faith. This would include chaplains—military officers who are ordained clergymen of their faith (mostly Christian pastors or priests, or Jewish rabbis)--whose duty since the founding of the U.S. military under George Washington is to teach their faith and minister to the spiritual needs of troops who come to them for counsel, instruction, or comfort.
    This regulation would severely limit expressions of faith in the military, even on a one-to-one basis between close friends. It could also effectively abolish the position of chaplain in the military, as it would not allow chaplains (or any service members, for that matter), to say anything about their faith that others say led them to think they were being encouraged to make faith part of their life. It’s difficult to imagine how a member of the clergy could give spiritual counseling without saying anything that might be perceived in that fashion.
    In response to the Pentagon’s plans, retired Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin, who is now executive vice president of the Family Research Council (FRC), said on Fox & Friends Wednesday morning:
    It’s a matter of what do they mean by "proselytizing." ...I think they’ve got their defintions a little confused. If you’re talking about coercion that’s one thing, but if you’re talking about the free exercise of our faith as individual soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines, especially for the chaplains, they I think the worst thing we can do is stop the ability for a soldier to be able to exercise his faith.”
    FRC has launched a petition here which has already collected over 60,000 signatures, calling on Secretary Hagel is stop working with Weinstein and his anti-Christian organization to develop military policy regarding religious faith.
    The FRC petition has now exceeded more than 40,000 signatures at the time of this update.
    Breitbart News legal columnist Ken Klukowski is senior fellow for religious liberty with the Family Research Council and on faculty at Liberty University School of Law.

  5. #5

    AW: Prozeßbeginn Amoklauf in Fort Hood

    Massaker Fort Hood
    Die Jury des Gerichtes kommt Ende Mai zusammen, im Juli startet die Verhandlung.


  6. #6

    AW: Prozeßbeginn Amoklauf in Fort Hood

    Liegt wohl in der Familie, daß die Obamas nicht so auf christliches missionieren stehen.

    21.04.09 11:38 Uhr

    Kenia: Obamas Oma lässt sich nicht Missionieren

    Die Großmutter von US-Präsident Obama ist offenbar nicht bereit, ihren Glauben zu wechseln. Wie aus Medienberichten hervorgeht, wurde bereits das ein und andere Mal versucht, die 87-Jährige von ihrem muslimischen hin zum christlichen Glauben zu bewegen.

    Einem Bericht der kenianische Zeitung "Daily Nation" zufolge, scheiterte erst am vergangenem Wochenende ein Versuch, die Dame in ihrer kenianischen Heimat während einer öffentlichen Zeremonie zu taufen.

    In Kenia leben sowohl Christen als auch Muslime, ebenso sind beide Religionszugehörigkeiten in der Familie Obama vertreten.


    Warum sollte die alte Dame überhaupt missioniert werden? Ist es besser für Obamas Ruf, wenn sie zumindest auf dem Papier christlich statt muslimisch ist?

  7. #7
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    AW: Prozeßbeginn Amoklauf in Fort Hood

    Zitat Zitat von burgfee Beitrag anzeigen
    Bei den Opfern handelt es sich um christliche Soldaten.

    Zudem erfährt man in diesem Audiotape, daß Obama christlichen amerikanischen Soldaten verboten hat ihre Religion auszuleben. Zuwiderhandlung kommen vor das Militärgericht und die betreffenden Soldaten werden vom Dienst suspendiert, im Extremfall sogar exekutiert!

    Das ist ein Unding. Gilt gleiches auch für Muslime? Wohl eher nicht
    Alle Texte, die keine Quellenangaben haben, stammen von mir.

  8. #8

    AW: Prozeßbeginn Amoklauf in Fort Hood

    Noch ein Artikel über das Verbot für christliche Soldaten, ihre Religion auszuleben. Das Militärgericht soll bei Verstoß die Todesstrafe verhängen. Der islamische Glauben darf jedoch weiterhin im Militär praktiziert werden.

    Religious Freedom in Our Military; This Is What Intolerance Smells Like

    • Susan Stamper Brown is an opinion page columnist who writes about politics, the military, the economy and culture.

    By Susan Stamper Brown , CP Guest Contributor
    May 1, 2013|9:39 am
    President Obama's new "religious tolerance" consultant to the Pentagon, Mikey Weinstein, wants Christian military service members who openly talk about their faith in uniform to be charged with treason, which is a crime punishable by death according to military law.

    By employing his consulting services, and as Commander-in-Chief, President Obama is effectively endorsing Weinstein's recently voiced and written views such as: "Today, we face incredibly well-funded gangs of fundamentalist Christian monsters who terrorize their fellow Americans by forcing their weaponized [sic] and twisted version of Christianity upon their helpless subordinates in our nation's armed forces."
    Weinstein's inflamed word picture helps the rest of us understand what the world looks like to those who live with their eyes wide shut and sort of sounds like that old cereal commercial… except this time Mikey doesn't like it – Christianity, that is, so no one else should. And Mikey's giving the rest of us an object lesson in intolerance by showing us what liberal secularists are about: "It's our way, or we shut you down." In this case, Obama's anti-Christian hit man, Weinstein, proposes that honorable men and women in the military who speak about their faith should be charged with a crime worthy of capital punishment. Smells like bull to me.
    In recent months, there has been a push against Christianity in the military. A few notables include a military training instructor labeling Jews, Christians, Catholics and Mormons as extremists alongside al Qaeda. The Army blocked a Southern Baptist website, citing it displayed "hostile content," (the Pentagon has since blamed it on a malware glitch), and an Army email was distributed warning fellow soldiers to beware of Christian ministry "hate groups." Each of these incidents could be reasoned-away individually, but they all have one thing in common: Intolerance has an unmistakable stench.
    News has it that Mr. Weinstein endorsed the Southern Poverty Law Center's recent statement listing certain Christian organizations as hate groups. He also whole-heartedly agreed with comments made by radical Army Lt. Col. Jack Rich, who told his subordinates to be on the lookout for dangerous Christian soldiers who should be expelled from the military for their beliefs.
    Lauding the Lt. Colonel's statement in a Huffington Post anti-Christian hit piece April 16, Weinstein said, "We should as a nation effusively applaud Lt. Col. Rich," and said America should go further to "vigorously support the continuing efforts to expose pathologically anti-gay, Islamaphobic, and rabidly intolerant agitators for what they are: die-hard enemies of the United States Constitution. Monsters, one and all. To do anything less would be to roll out a red carpet to those who would usher in a blood-drenched, draconian era of persecutions, nationalistic militarism, and superstitious theocracy."


    Bislang ist das nur die Meinung von Obamas Berater Weinstein. Bleibt abzuwarten, ob Obama seinen Ratschlag annimmt und gesetzlich umsetzt.
    Geändert von burgfee (07.05.2013 um 18:23 Uhr)

  9. #9

    AW: Prozeßbeginn Amoklauf in Fort Hood

    Obama Forces Sharia Law On U.S. Military — Winds Of Jihad By ...

    sheikyermami.com/.../obama-forces-sharia-law-on-u...Diese Seite übersetzen
    vor 6 Tagen – Christian soldiers will be prosecuted in the Obama military. ... Pentagon appointees meeting with anti-Christian extremist Mikey Weinstein to ...


    dieser Artikel ist leider nicht mehr im netz und auch über web-archive.org nicht mehr auffindbar.

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    Obama Forces Sharia Law On U.S. Military

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  10. #10

    AW: Prozeßbeginn Amoklauf in Fort Hood

    Bachmann: We have just had four Americans killed, including two marines and an ambassador, and our President says to the UN the future does not belong to those who speak against the prophet? We need to remember that the fifty-seven Muslim governments across the world have what they call a ten year plan, it began in 2005 and their goal by 2015 is to criminalize any speech anywhere in the world that speaks against Islam or against the Prophet Mohammad. This is their plan. So their pretext is to find something they can point to and then have riots and terrorism and then force the rest of us to give up our free speech rights so that then that means their law, Sharia law, will dominate over our United States Constitution. That’s really what’s happening. Our president either doesn’t know what’s happening or he’s playing along with what their goal is. Either option is very dangerous for the free speech rights and the protection and safety of the American people.

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