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  1. #21

    AW: Islam auf höchster Ebene gekapert

    Saudi Arabian Y-DNA Chromosome and Genetics Composition

    Hier geht es allg. um die Bewohner SaudiArabiens. Nicht speziell um die Familie Saud.


    The TRUTH about The Haplogroup J (Y-DNA)

    Hochgeladen von Thearabiannight100 am 30.08.2011

    Haplogroup J (Y-DNA)

    J is Originally from Eastern Anatolia, divided into the northern J2 and the southern J1. J2 is by far the most common variety in Europe.
    Haplogroup J1

    J1 is a typically Taurid Zarzian capsian haplogroup, most common of the population of the Arabian peninsula. and among some Kushitic / Nubian Tribes and hamitic groups of sudan and ethiopia . Its highest density is observed in Khartoum Sudan (74%), its also Present in Europe, Middle East, North Africa,
    he "J1* with DYS388 = 13 or 14, L136-, P58- sub-clade" is considered by Dr. Roy King of Stanford University to be one of the markers of the Caucasian-speaking Hurrians and Urartians in historic times.

    While J1e (now called J1c3d) is predominantly Arab & African this branch of haplogroup J1 is more ancient than these two groups. It also contains other Near Eastern, Anatolian and Caucasus Mountain ethnic groups. Quoting Jacques Chiaroni, Roy King et al.: "The highest YSTR variance of J1e lineages is in eastern Anatolia, northern Iraq and northwest Iran... The somewhat rare J1e1-M368 provides an insight into the geographical origin of J1e. It has been reported both in the Black Sea region of Turkey and Dagestan in the northeast Caucasus. Furthermore, J1e1-M368 displays the YCAII 19-22 pattern. Although the haplogroup relationships of YCAII alleles are unstable, nevertheless in the context of haplogroup J1, they are suggestive that the prevalent YCAII 22-22 variety may have evolved from a YCAII 19-22 ancestor. The current data suggest an origin of J1e in the general area of eastern Turkey/northern Iraq associated with the Zarzian horizon, as they have similar early pre-agricultural expansions [16,000 years ago]... The timing and geographical distribution of J1e is representative of a demic expansion of agriculturalists and herder--hunters from the Pre-Pottery Neolithic B to the late Neolithic era...

    Haplogroup J2

    J2 originated in Eastern Anatolia, and spread westward to western Anatolia and southern Europe, and eastward to Persia and India. J2 is related to the Ancient Etruscans, (Minoan) Greeks, southern Anatolians, Assyrians and Babylonians.

    In Europe, J2 reaches its highest frequency in Greece (especially in Crete, Peloponese and Thrace), southern and central Italy, southern France, and southern Spain. The ancient Greeks and indu-europeans were the main driving forces behind the spread J2 around the western and southern Mediterranean.

    J2 is thought to have arrived in Greece from Anatolia somtime between the (late) Neolithic and the Bronze Age.

    Leute & Blogs


    Kommentare des Nutzers, der das Video hochgeladen hat ( Thearabiannight100 )

    You are correct. Stupid media people call something a "race" For example, Hitler is e1b1b1 but some people of that haplogroup are Europeans and not African or jewish. Jewish is not a race btw, it's a religion. So Hitler is NOT jewish but he probably had a common ancestor with the people who would become Jewish 30,000 years ago. sheesh people.

    arkenstone65 vor 2 Wochen

    E1b1b1 is very old and linked to the first real mediterraneans, very common among north africans and southern europeans, sometimes I find some ridiculous lies like that J2 is phoenician LOL "claimed by a lebanese genetist called pierre zaloua"

    J2a and J2b are strongly related to the bronze age and indu european expansions from the surrounded area of anatolia


  2. #22

    AW: Islam auf höchster Ebene gekapert

    Zitat Zitat von malignus Beitrag anzeigen
    so viel Text und doppelt so viel Information. Danke
    Soweit ich bis jetzt gelesen habe, könnte diese Info, würde man sie jedem Einwohner Saudi Arabiens einimpfen, auch zum rasanten und blutigen Ende der Saudis führen.

    Zum Thema Beliebtheit der Saudis.. Aiman al-Sawahiri ruft zum Aufstand gegen die Saudis auf


    Der Frage inwieweit es Belege dadfür gibt, daß er tatsächlich Al-Kaida-Chef ist sollte man nachgehen. Auch der Frage, ob er nur was aus Sozialneid gegen die Saud was hat oder ob das mit den jüdischen Wurzeln zu tun hat.

  3. #23

    AW: Islam auf höchster Ebene gekapert

    Accident or foul play?
    Saudi prince’s ex-Jewish wife dies

    Candice Cohen-Ahnine alleged she had been held prisoner in a Saudi royal palace; prince claimed he’d take their daughter to the mountains ‘like bin Laden’

    By Greg Tepper August 20, 2012, 9:06 pm 11

    Candice Cohen-Ahnine and her daughter (photo credit: courtesy)

    A Jewish French woman who was allegedly imprisoned and later escaped from a Saudi royal palace fell to her death from a window in Paris. Candice Cohen-Ahnine recently wrote a book about her struggle to reclaim her daughter Aya from Saudi Prince Sattam al-Saud, who she claimed had been holding the girl since 2008.

    While the cause of Cohen-Ahnine’s death last Thursday night was still being investigated, her attorney, Laurence Tarquiny-Charpentier, said that it was not a suicide. French media reports suggested that she had fallen “as if she was escaping something dangerous.”
    According to Cohen-Ahnine’s book, she was held prisoner in a royal Saudi palace until a door was left open and she escaped to the French Embassy. She had been accused in Saudi Arabia of converting from Islam to Judaism, a crime punishable by death, the report said.
    In January, Sattam al-Saud was told by a French court to hand over the daughter and provide monthly financial payments in the amount of 10,000 Euros. The Telegraph quoted the prince as replying, “If need be, I’ll go like [Osama] bin Laden and hide in the mountains with Aya.”



    Die französische Jüdin Candice Cohen-Ahnine hatte den saudischen Prinzen in einem Nachtclub in Paris kennengelernt, sie hatten eine Beziehung, wollten heiraten, jedoch sagte er ihr dann seine Familie hätte ihm eine andere Frau zugewiesen, aber sie könne seine Zweitfrau werden., was sie jedoch ablehnte.

    Sie hatten ein gemeinsames Kind, was er ihr bei ihrem Saudi-Arabienbesuch entführte und sie hatte er eingesperrt, durch die (absichtliche?) Unaufmerksamkeit ihrer Wächter konnte sie in die französische Botschaft flüchten.

    In einem Pariser Hotel stürzte sie aus dem Fenster und starb. Selbstmord wird ausgeschlossen. Es war ein Unfall oder Mord.

    In Zusammenhang mit diesem Strang stellt sich die Frage, ob der Prinz sich bewußt eine Jüdin als Mutter seines Kindes aussuchte um die jüdische Linie zu stärken, auch wenn er nach außen den Islam hochhält.
    Geändert von burgfee (03.09.2012 um 08:01 Uhr)

  4. #24
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    AW: Islam auf höchster Ebene gekapert

    dubiose Story. Hier glaube ich aber eher daran, dass der Prinz schlicht nicht wusste, dass die Frau Jüdin war. Pikant ist aber, dass sie nachdem sie ablehnt die Zweitfrau zu werden, sich im Kerker in Saudi Arabien wieder findet, ohne Kind... Und nach der Flucht aus einem Fenster stürzt... Wenn hier nicht der Prinz seine Finger mit im Spiel hat..
    "Die glücklichen Sklaven sind die erbittertsten Feinde der Freiheit"

  5. #25

    AW: Islam auf höchster Ebene gekapert

    Zitat Zitat von malignus Beitrag anzeigen
    dubiose Story. Hier glaube ich aber eher daran, dass der Prinz schlicht nicht wusste, dass die Frau Jüdin war. Pikant ist aber, dass sie nachdem sie ablehnt die Zweitfrau zu werden, sich im Kerker in Saudi Arabien wieder findet, ohne Kind... Und nach der Flucht aus einem Fenster stürzt... Wenn hier nicht der Prinz seine Finger mit im Spiel hat..
    Die beiden waren drauf und dran zu heiraten trotz der religiösen Unterschiede. Es war also keine kurze oberflächliche Affaire.

    Und später stellten es die Saudis so hin als sei die Französin vom Islam zum Judentum übergetreten. Religion war durchaus Thema, wenn auch konträr dargestellt.

    In 1998, Cohen-Ahnine met Saudi Prince Sattam al-Saud in London at a nightclub while Cohen-Ahnine was vacationing in London[1] when she was 18 years old.[2] In November 2001, their daughter, Aya, was born. The relationship between Cohen-Ahnine and al-Saud continued, despite their differences in religion and nationality,[2] until Prince al-Saud announced in 2006 that he was obligated to marry a cousin, but that Cohen-Ahnine could remain as a second wife. Cohen-Ahnine, however, refused to become a second wife, and the two parted ways.[3]

    In 2009, Prince al-Saud allegedly kidnapped the child when Cohen-Ahnine visited Saudi Arabia with Aya. Cohen-Ahnine said that she was accused by the Saudi authorities of being a Muslim who converted to Judaism, which is a capital crime in Saudi Arabia, and was held in the prince's palace. However, she managed to escape when a maid left her door open and fled to the French embassy,[3][4] and subsequently returned to France.[2
    Geändert von burgfee (02.09.2012 um 16:03 Uhr)

  6. #26
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    AW: Islam auf höchster Ebene gekapert

    hm, dann hatte wohl auch der Prinz druck aus der Verwandschaft bekommen und man drehte im Nachhinein die Tatsachen so, wie man sie brauchte. Es wäre wohl auch nicht gut angekommen im eigenen Land, wenn er verkündet, er heiratet eine Jüdin.
    "Die glücklichen Sklaven sind die erbittertsten Feinde der Freiheit"

  7. #27
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    AW: Islam auf höchster Ebene gekapert

    Auch noch eine Cohen. Ich bezweifel dass diese Frau konvertiert ist
    Alle Texte, die keine Quellenangaben haben, stammen von mir.

  8. #28

    AW: Islam auf höchster Ebene gekapert

    2002 Iraqi Intel Reported Wahhabis Are of Jewish Origin! House of Saud is Jewish!?


    I have always wondered why the Saudi Arabia ruling class (House of Saud)never really supported the Palestinian cause. They pay lip service but never really put into action what they say. They are clearly pro-American and some would say in cahoots with Zionist Israel. Here are some possible answers.
    Is the Saudi Royal Family Jewish?
    ‘In the 1960′s the “Sawt Al Arab” Broadcasting Station in Cairo, Egypt, and the Yemen Broadcasting Station in Sana’a confirmed the Jewish Ancestry of the Saudi Family.
    King Faisal Al-Saud at that time could not deny his family’s kindred with the Jews when he declared to the Washington Post on Sept. 17, 1969 stating: “We, The Saudi family, are cousins of the Jews: we entirely disagree with any Arab or Muslem Authority which shows any antagonism to the Jews; but we must live together with them in peace. Our country (Arabia) is the Fountain head from where the first Jew sprang, and his descendants spread out all over the world.” That was the declaration of King Faisal AL-Saud Bin Abdul Aziz! ‘
    Why is there the genealogy/descendents of Abdul Aziz bin Abdul Rahman ibn Faisal Al Saud in the Jewish Virtual Library? Draw your own conclusions!
    2002 Iraqi Intel Reported Wahhabis Are of Jewish Origin ! (emphasis mine)
    by David Livingstone, http://www.terrorism-illuminati.com/
    The U.S. Department of Defense has released translations of a number of Iraqi intelligence documents dating from Saddam’s rule. One, a General Military Intelligence Directorate report from September 2002, entitled “The Emergence of Wahhabism and its Historical Roots”, shows the Iraqi government was aware of the nefarious purposes of the Wahhabis of Saudi Arabia, often known as Salafis, in serving Western interests to undermine Islam.
    The report relies heavily on the Memoirs of Mr. Hempher, which describe in detail how a British spy to the Middle East, in the middle of the eighteenth century, made contact with Adbul Wahhab, to create a subversive version of Islam, the notorious sect of Wahhabism, which became the founding cult of the Saudi regime. The movement was temporarily suppressed by the Ottomam armies in the middle of the nineteenth century. But with the assistance of the British, the Wahhabis and their Saudi sponsors returned to power and founded their own state in 1932. Since then, the Saudis have collaborated closely with the Americans, to whom they owe their tremendous oil wealth, in funding various Islamic fundamentalist organizations and other American covert operations, particularly the “jihad” in Afghanistan. But the Saudis simulatenously use the immense wealth at their dispossal to disseminate this disruptive brand of Islam to various parts of the world, categorized by some of the largest propaganda campaign in history.
    Many who defend Wahhabism as a legitimate reform movement of Islam have tried to dismiss the Memoirs as a spurious fabrication. These include Bernard Haykel, Professor in Near Eastern Studies at Princeton University, who, without providing any evidence, presumes the Memoirs to have been created by Ayyub Sabri Pasha.
    However, while the Memoirs only emerged in the 1970s, Pasha wrote his version of the story already in 1888. Ayyub Sabri Pasha was a well-known Ottoman writer and Turkish naval admiral, who served the Ottoman army in the Arabian Pensinsula, writing several works about the region and it’s history. Including The Beginning and Spreading of Wahhabism, where he recounts Abdul Wahhab’s association and plotting with Hempher.
    In addition to that revealed in the Hempher Memoirs, the Iraqi intelligence report also makes known some surprising claims, derived from works circulated in Arabic which have not been translated into English. As the report recounts, both Abdul Wahhab, and his sponsor, ibn Saud, who founded the Saudi dynasty, were of Jewish origin.
    For example, D. Mustafa Turan wrote, in The Donmeh Jews, that Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab was a descendant of a family of Donmeh Jews from Turkey. The Donmeh were descendants of followers of the infamous false-messiah of Judaism, Shabbetai Zevi, who shocked the Jewish world in 1666 by converting to Islam. Viewing it as a sacred mystery, Zevi’s followers imitated his conversion to Islam, though secretly keeping to their Kabbalistic doctrines. In Europe, the Shabbeteans were eventually led a century later by Jacob Frank, claiming to be a reincarnation of Zevi. And, according to Rabbi Antelman in To Eliminate the Opiate, to them belonged the Rothschilds who had a hand in the founding of the Bavarian Illuminati. The Donmeh community of Turkey were concentrated in the city of Salonika, which became a hotbed of Masonic activity, and from which the Young Turk movement evolved, which aided in the collapse of the Muslim empire of the Ottoman Turks. There is evidence that Ataturk himself, the founder of the modern Turkish state, was of Donmeh origin as well.
    Turan maintains that Abdul Wahhab’s grandfather, Sulayman was actually Shulman, having belonged to the Jewish community of Bursa in Turkey. From there he settled in Damascus, where he feigned Islam, but was apparently expelled for practicing sorcery. He then fled to Egypt and he again faced condemnation, so made his way he to the Hijaz, where he got married and fathered Abdul Wahhab. According to the report, the same is claimed in The Donmeh Jews and the Origin of the Saudi Wahabis, Rifat Salim Kabar.
    The notion of the Saudi family being of Jewish heritage has been published by Mohammad Sakher, who, it is claimed, was ordered killed by the regime for his revelations. The report relates a similar account, but from different sources. According The Wahabi Movement/The Truth and Roots, by Abdul Wahhab Ibrahim Al-Shammari, for example, ibn Saud is actually descended from Mordechai bin Ibrahim bin Mushi, a Jewish merchant from Basra. Apparently, when he was approached by members from the Arabian tribe of Aniza, then claimed to be one of them, and traveled with them to Najd and his name became Markhan bin Ibrahim bin Musa.
    Additionally, Abdul Wahhab was descended from Wahib Al-Tamimi, so, as reported by al Said Nasir, in The History of the Saud Family, the Saudi ambassador in Cairo, Abdullah bin Ibrahim al Mufaddal, paid Muhammad Al-Tamimi thirty five thousand Jinee in the year 1943, to forge a family tree of the Saudi family and that of Abdul Wahhab, and merge them into one, claiming their origin from the Prophet Mohammed.
    While it would be difficult to independantly authenticate these claims, they are interesting in light of the role that the state of Saudi Arabia has and continues to play with regards to supporting and advancing Western power in the Middle East and elsewhere. Especially astounding is the very dubious and virulent form of Islam, that Wahhabism and Salafism represent, which is currently wrecking havoc on Islamic traditions, and dividing the Muslim community in petty squabbles over trivial details, allowing the War on Islam to proceed effectively unchecked.
    I have highlighted many times that modern Ashkenazi Khazarian Jews (about 95+% of modern Jewry) are not semitic and not the biological descendents of the 12 tribes of Israel. They are a counterfeit!
    Geändert von burgfee (03.09.2012 um 14:02 Uhr)

  9. #29
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    AW: Islam auf höchster Ebene gekapert

    Hübsche Frau. Sie tut mir Leid. Das Kind auch. Merken die Saudis eigentlich auch noch was??

  10. #30

    AW: Islam auf höchster Ebene gekapert

    Der Stamm der Quraysh ist ein mächtiger Händlerstamm, der Mekka und die Kaaba unter seine Kontrolle gebracht hat.
    The Quraysh or Quraish (Arabic: قريش‎, Qurayš; other transliterations include "Quresh", "Qurrish", "Qurish", "Qirsh", "Qureshi", "Kuraish", "Koraish", "Koreish" and "Coreish") were a powerful merchant tribe that controlled Makkah and its Kaaba. Muhammad was born into the Banu Hashim clan of the Quraysh tribe. [1]

    Auf anderen Seiten erfährt man die Quraysh sind ein jüdischer Stamm.

    ... There is another reason too. It won't work. The two states won't be the end of it. The two state solution is like the two-tribe solution between the Muslims and the Quraysh, a Jewish tribe. Early on, the Quraysh were too strong for the Muslims so Mohammed decided to enter into a treaty -- the treaty of Huddibyah. Then there came a time when the Muslim tribe grew stronger and Mohammed found a reason to cancel the treaty. His tribe subjugated the Quraysh and when they surrendered, the Quraysy males had their hands tied behind their backs. Then Mohammed gave the order to cut off all their heads. In fact that was fortunate for the male adult Quraysh, because they didn't have to see their wives and daughters raped and dragged off to private harems, and the young children required to be Muslims under sharia. ...
    Muhammad’s atrocity against the Qurayza Jews
    Geändert von burgfee (24.11.2013 um 15:15 Uhr)

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