Bangladesh: Muslime betreiben die ethnische Säuberung 11. Juli 2010
Einsortiert unter: Aktuelle Nachrichten — Knecht Christi @ 04:33

Die Muslime betreiben die Ethnische Säuberung in Bangladesh seit Jahrzehnten mit äußerster islamischer Hingabe. Srebrenica ist nur ein Kindergarten verglichen zu dem, was die Muslime tun, dort wo sie die Macht haben. Sie schlachteten einfach massenweise Hindus ab und tun es bis heute. Frauen und Kinder werden entführt und vergewaltigt, minderjährige Mädchen werden in islamische „Ehen“ hinein gezwungen. Muslime erpressen das Dschizya-Steuer (Tribut), zwingen die Hindus zum Konvertieren oder ermorden sie. Die Hindu Witwen werden gezwungen, ihre Kühe, die sie für heilig halten, mit eigener Hand zu ermorden und aus ihr Fleisch zu essen. Anschließend werden sie gezwungen, zum Islam zu konvertieren. Die Facebook-Eintragung zitiert Quellen bei jeder Behauptung. Hier ist der Text des Users:

Hindu Bhartiya auf English: {A horror picture of sufferings, persecution and ethnic-cleansing of Hindus and other minorities in moderate Islamic Bangladesh. Ethnic cleansing of Minorities in Bangladesh (then East Pakistan) started in 1946 with the infamous Noakhali carnage (10th October 1946). In the full-moon night of Kojagari Lakshi Puja (a Hindu festival), 218 Hindus were slaughtered, over 10,000 Hindu houses were looted, more than 2000 Hindus were forcibly converted to Islam and several thousand Hindu women were raped and hundreds of Hindu temples were destroyed. The sad part is that Mr. Burrows, the then Governor of state, said that it was only natural that Hindu women would be raped by hundreds of Muslims because they are prettier than Muslim women (Roy, 2007, p. 120,165).During the infamous genocide of 1971, which continued for nine months, by the then Muslim East Pakistan Army, up to three million Bangladeshis were slaughtered, ten million Hindus fled as refugees to India (Kennedy, 1971, p. 6-7) and two hundred thousand women were raped (Roy, 2007, p. 298). The neighboring Muslims of the Hindu families use to mark a yellow “H” on the Hindu houses to guide the marauding army to their targets like the Jewish holocaust (Schanberg, 1994). The bulk of the victims of the 1971 East Pakistan holocaust were Hindus, about 80%, followed by Muslims (15%) and Christians (5%) (Roy, 2007, p. 312). Kidnapping and rape of women and children, forced marriage of minor girls, extortion of money as Jizya tax, forced conversion and murder of members of the minority communities are a day-to-day happening. Hindu widows are often forced to kill one of her cow by her own hand, cook the beef and eat it and become Muslim (Roy, 2007. p 120,125)}.

Auf dem Bild ist Prof. Muhari, ein bekannter bangladeshi Hindu Erzieher