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  1. #1

    Indien - Neuer Brautmarkt in Hyderabad

    Hyderabad's new bride bazaar
    June 28, 2011 | Duration: 1 min, 24 sec

    The Old city area of Hyderabad seems to be once again turning into a bride bazaar, this time not for old Arab Sheiks, but students from North Africa who are reportedly getting into contract marriages to use and abuse the poor, and often, minor girls during their stay here and abandon them once they head back. The latest case came to light only because the minor girl who was married off and was being sexually abused, ran away after two weeks and sought police protection.

    >> video <<



    Poverty, Greed Motivate Indians To Sell Young Daughters As Brides

    - - Government Crackdown On Forced Marriages Angers Families
    HYDERABAD, India - At age 16, Nasreen was married off to a 59-year-old man from the United Arab Emirates who journeyed to this Muslim city in search of a cheap Indian bride. Nasreen cost him $161.

    Three years later, after what Nasreen described as a torturous marriage of beatings and abuse in the Middle East, her husband abandoned her and returned to the same Hyderabad neighborhood to solicit a new young bride.

    "My life is ruined," Nasreen said sobbing, sitting on the floor of her father's home, clutching the year-old daughter born after her husband deserted her.

    Social workers say the fathers are motivated by greed. "They use their daughters for money," said one social worker. "These girls are being exploited."

  2. #2

    AW: Indien - Neuer Brautmarkt in Hyderabad

    Thursday, March 25, 2010

    Has Telangana forgotten the Jihadi Razakar atrocities?
    Heroic Hindu resistance to Islamic terror in Hyderabad (1310 - 1948) - A compilation

    Muslim Razakars pose with captured Hindu civilians before killing them in cold blood (Telangana, 1948)

    (Picture Source: Wagner, Heather Lehr. People at odds. U.S.A: Chelsea House Publishers, 2002.)

    Brief History:
    (Geschichtliches > runterscrollen)


  3. #3

    AW: Indien - Neuer Brautmarkt in Hyderabad

    Zwei Christen in Hyderabad erschossen – Zwei weitere in Lebensgefahr 24. März 2011

    Lahore: Zwei Christen wurden vor einer Kirche in Hyderabad von bewaffneten Moslems erschossen. Zwei weitere befinden sich in Lebensgefahr. Der Mordanschlag ereignete sich am Abend des 21. März.

    Die aus Camp Hurr in Hyderabad stammenden Christen feierten gerade den 30. Jahrestag der Gründung ihrer Gemeinschaft, als sich vor dem Gebäude eine Gruppe von Moslems versammelten und mit voller Lautstärke Musik abspielte, um die Versammlung der Christen zu stören. Gleichzeitig belästigten sie christliche Frauen, die in das Gebäude wollten.

    Die Christen, Younis Masih (47), Siddique Masih (45), Jameel Masih (22) und Waseem traten vor die Kirche, um die Moslem aufzufordern, den Ort und die Personen zu respektieren. Nach einem Wortwechsel entfernten sich die Moslems, um kurz darauf bewaffnet zurückzukehren. Nach Zeugenaussagen eröffneten sie sofort das Feuer auf die Christen. Younis Masih und Jameel Masih wurden auf der Stelle getötet. Die anderen beiden Christen befinden sich nun im Krankenhaus von Karatschi mit lebensgefährlichen Verletzungen. Younis Masih hinterläßt seine Frau und vier Kinder. Jameel hatte gerade vor einem Monat geheiratet. Die Christen gehörten der Heilsarmee an.

    Das Verhalten der Polizei erregt den Unmut der Christen. Surrava Bibi, die Mutter von Jameel Masih erklärte: “Die Polizei verhält sich, als wäre nichts Wichtiges passiert. Bis spät in die Nacht hinein, nahmen sie den Vorfall nicht einmal zu Protokoll. Erst als wir mit den beiden Leichen für Stunden die Hauptstraße von Hyderabad blockierten, taten sie es endlich.” Bisher wurde niemand verhaftet. (Asianews/ Giuseppe Nardi, Bild: Asianews)

    Pakistan: Zwei Christen vor Kirche erschossen
    Zuvor hatten die Täter einen Gottesdienst gestört

    Hyderabad (kath.net/KAP): In Pakistan sind durch einen Anschlag in der Stadt Hyderabad zwei Christen getötet worden; zwei weitere wurden schwer verletzt. Eine Gruppe bewaffneter Muslime habe vor einer Kirche das Feuer auf Gemeindemitglieder eröffnet, berichtete die italienische Presseagentur „AsiaNews“ am Mittwoch. Der Vorfall hat sich demnach schon am Montagabend ereignet. Die Muslime hatten nach Angaben von „AsiaNews“ vor der Kirche Recorder auf volle Lautstärke gedreht und Frauen belästigt, die die Kirche betreten wollten. Die zwei getöteten Christen hätten die Gruppe daraufhin zur Einstellung der Störung und zum Respekt gegenüber dem religiösen Ort sowie den Gläubigen aufgefordert.

    Nach einem Streit seien die Muslime mit Pistolen bewaffnet zurückgekehrt. Unverzüglich hätten sie das Feuer auf die Männer eröffnet. Die christliche Gemeinde hatte sich zur Feier der Errichtung der Kirche vor 30 Jahren versammelt. Die Täter sind laut „AsiaNews“ bisher nicht verhaftet worden.

  4. #4

    AW: Indien - Neuer Brautmarkt in Hyderabad

    Hyderabad Attack: New Islamic Terror Group ‘Tehreek Galba-E-Islam’ Uprising?

    Last Updated: 2010-05-15T12:36:20+05:30

    The Hyderabad attack not only killed a constable, but it could well be seen as a bigger threat to the authorities coming up in the future.

    Two armed motorists opened fire in the old city area of Hyderabad in the presence of five constables who were standing outside the police station. They killed one of the constables and injured another.

    The Student's Islamic Movement of India (SIMI) was being suspected behind the attacks.
    Syed Viqaruddin, a SIMI activist was involved in asimilar case earlier. The evidence at the crime scene, however , has a different story to tell.

    The motorists allegedly threw a CD and a letter on the spot before fleeing.The letter was written in Urdu according to which the group that claims responsibility for the attack is a ‘not-so-well-known’ group called the “Tehreek Galba-e-Islam”.

    The group has said that the killings were done to take revenge for the deaths of those people who died in a police firing in 2007 when the Mecca Masjid blast took place.They have placed a demand of charging all those policemen who were involved in the firing.

    The the city police is now verifying the authenticity of the letter.

    Unweigerlich denke ich an die vielen Moslems, die den ganzen Tag an unseren Unis auf dem Campus abhängen, in Studentenvereinigungen zusammengeschlossen sind, ihre Glaubensbrüder in Schach halten und die Studentinnen anbaggern.

    Ufert das eines Tages ähnlich aus wie in Hyderabad?

  5. #5

    AW: Indien - Neuer Brautmarkt in Hyderabad

  6. #6

    AW: Indien - Neuer Brautmarkt in Hyderabad

    Zitat Zitat von burgfee Beitrag anzeigen

    Unweigerlich denke ich an die vielen Moslems, die den ganzen Tag an unseren Unis auf dem Campus abhängen, in Studentenvereinigungen zusammengeschlossen sind, ihre Glaubensbrüder in Schach halten und die Studentinnen anbaggern.

    Ufert das eines Tages ähnlich aus wie in Hyderabad?

    Könnte schneller gehn als man gucken kann...
    Terror-Nachwuchs aus Deutschland? Islamisten werben um Schüler und Studenten
    Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz warnt

    In ihrem Verfassungsschutzbericht 2010 weist die Behörde denn auch darauf hin, dass die gewaltbereite und seit 2003 in Deutschland verbotene islamistische „Hizb-ut Tahrir“, inzwischen wieder verstärkt versucht, an Hamburger Schulen neue Anhänger zu werben.

    Hyderabad's new bride bazaar

    The Old city area of Hyderabad seems to be once again turning into a bride bazaar, this time not for old Arab Sheiks, but students from North Africa who are reportedly getting into contract marriages to use and abuse the poor, and often, minor girls during their stay here and abandon them once they head back. The latest case came to light only because the minor girl who was married off and was being sexually abused, ran away after two weeks and sought police protection.

  7. #7

    AW: Indien - Neuer Brautmarkt in Hyderabad

    HYDERABAD, INDIA - NOV 21 - Veiled muslim women shop in the Lad Bazaar on Nov 21, 2009 in Hyderabad, India


  8. #8

    AW: Indien - Neuer Brautmarkt in Hyderabad

    Shocking Report by NDTV – Muslim Bride Bazar

    Is this how we treat our women in India?
    Who protects them?
    And why is the Muslim Community not protecting their young girls?
    This is shameful.
    Please read this disturbing report by NDTV.comHyderabad’s new bride bazaar
    Uma Sudhir, Updated: June 29, 2011 02:09 IST

    Hyderabad: The Old City area of Hyderabad, home to mainly poor Muslim families, was once notorious as a hunting ground for Arab sheiks keen to buy young brides.

    Now, it’s students from North Africa who are exploiting the poverty that resides in so many homes here. They buy marriages with young girls who they abandon when they’ve finished their degrees in local colleges and are headed home.

    Twenty-five-year-old Mohammed Ansari is on a student visa from Sudan. He married a 16-year-old on the ninth of this month. The bride cost him Rs. 50,000 – the deal was brokered by two pimps who lured her mother, a widow with five daughters and no source of income.

    After two weeks of being sexually abused by her “husband” and also his friend, the 16-year-old managed to run away to a police station where she sought protection.

    The police investigation revealed that when she was married, she was also made to sign a blank piece of paper that was intended to be used later as a khulanama or a declaration of divorce that certifies the wife is leaving the marriage. In effect, she will be entitled to no alimony or other rights when the marriage ends.

    “After arriving here on student visas, these Sudanese nationals trap poor girls into marriage, use them, and when they leave, they already have a divorce paper ready in hand, so they can leave scot free,” says senior police officer Vineet Brijlal.

    The police have also arrested two pimps and qazis or priests who performed Mohammed Ansari’s marriage. “The girl was accompanied by her guardians. She had not run away from home. So how are we to blame?” asks one of the priests now under arrest.

    Records seized from the qazis have revealed that in the last few months, seven such contract marriages have taken place, involving four Sudanese and three Somalians. One 56-year-old among them had married two minors within a fortnight. In each case, the bride was made to sign the khulanama right after the ceremony – the marriage was intended to be a short affair, leaving the groom with the freedom to walk away at any point, exempt from any responsibilities.

    The police have registered a case of rape, abduction of minor for marriage, outraging modesty and also a case under the Immoral Trafficking Act. The police say they are consulting with the Wakf Board and with other Muslim scholars to see what socio-legal steps can be taken to protect vulnerable young girls from this kind of exploitation. In this case for example, the qazis who performed the marriage are both registered and recognised by the Wakf Board. And both of them claim that they have checked the legality of the documents of both the Sudanese and the bride before solemnising the marriage. It is another matter that the nikkahnama says the girl was a major, so legally eligible for marriage.

    End of Report – Thank you NDTV for carrying this report.
    The authorities must stop this exploitation of young Muslim girls.

    Link zum Video des ersten Beitrages

  9. #9

    AW: Indien - Neuer Brautmarkt in Hyderabad

    Hyderabad’s International Bride Bazaar

    Fifteen years ago, Ameena, an 11-year-old Muslim girl from the southern city of
    Hyderabad was married off to a 70-year-old resident of Sharjah. As the sobbing
    child was flying off to her new home in the United Arab Emirates in the Persian
    Gulf, an alert air hostess rescued her.

    It was only when
    Ameena's heartrending story hit the headlines that the entire nation became
    aware of how impoverished Muslim families in Hyderabad, lured by money,
    were regularly marrying off their minor girls to much older Arab men.
    />Shocked by this incident, there was a temporary crackdown. Authorities
    framed strict rules to guard against any more children like Ameena being
    subjected to similar exploitation and sexual abuse.

    But once the dust
    had settled and Ameena's story became a distant memory, it was business
    as usual. Hyderabad's old city, home to its large Muslim population,
    regained its reputation as the international bride bazaar.

    practice of old Arab men flocking to Hyderabad for young brides, or
    “Sheikh” marriages as they are called, is still rampant but these
    generally go undetected as nobody likes to talk about it," says Dr. Sunita
    Krishnan, who heads Prajwala, a Hyderabad-based anti human-trafficking

    Sometimes stray cases do come to light, but most such
    marriages go undetected. Last year, there was a replay of the Ameena case when
    a minor Muslim girl named Munni was married off by her physically
    handicapped father to 80-year-old Mohammed Bin Hasan Bin Ali Balushi from
    Oman for a paltry 10,000 (approx 220 US dollars). Fortunately for the young
    girl, somebody tipped off the police and the Sheikh, along with his local
    contacts, was arrested. In another shocking incident, middle-aged Al Rahama
    Ismail Mirza Abdul Jabbar from the United Arab Emirates, married two young
    girls in one sitting. While the girls managed to escape, the Arab sheikh fled the

    According to Dr. Krishnan, Hyderabad has an ancient
    association with the Middle Eastern countries as the Nizams, the city's
    ancient Muslim rulers, had recruited Arabs in their army to guard their

    Over the years, the city of Nizams has emerged as the
    preferred destination of Arabs looking for young brides given the large and
    distinct Muslim population here. An estimated 300 Arab men come to
    Hyderabad every year on the pretext of medical treatment or tourism but are
    actually on the lookout for young girls.

    Although there is no firm
    figure available, Hyderabad police believe that at least 35 such marriages take
    place every month. In most cases, the marriages are a temporary affair, lasting no
    more than a week, after which the young girls are abandoned or divorced. The
    social and religious acceptance of "talaq" or divorce has made it
    easier for these visiting Sheikhs to enter into such short-term contract marriages
    that allow them to have sex with young virgins. In cases when the girl does leave
    home, ostensibly to live with her husband in a foreign land, the
    "bride" either ends up working as a maid or is pushed into

    A film taken with a hidden camera a few years ago had
    captured how the prospective brides are packed in a small room, virtually
    resembling a brothel, and then paraded before the Arab sheikhs who even lift
    their veils to inspect them closely.

    "This is nothing but
    trafficking under the garb of marriage," says Ranjana Kumari, who heads
    the Delhi-based NGO, Centre for Social Research. Kumari believes that
    excruciating poverty and the pressure to get their daughters married drives these
    Page 1
    families to take such an extreme step.

    Dr. Krishnan says after some
    Gulf countries like Oman and Saudi Arabia made it mandatory for their citizens
    to get a license if they wish to marry outside the country, a new trend has
    emerged. These days, the Arabs do not always come in person but operate
    through brokers or middlemen who approach poor families on their behalf with
    offers of money and marriage. The "nikah" ceremony is conducted
    on the telephone. The girls are then trafficked out of the country and sometimes
    even land up in brothels in another Indian city. Dr. Krishnan says her
    organization had rescued one such young girl from a red light area in Pune city
    while her gullible parents believed she was happily married since they had
    received a cassette from her saying she was well.

    Despite this
    ongoing practice, social activists like Dr. Krishnan find they are not able to do
    much in either detecting these cases or creating awareness about this problem
    since this issue has acquired strong communal and religious overtones. She
    recalls how the Muslim clergy ran a virtual campaign against her organization
    when it screened a short film in which some of the rescued girls recounted their
    experiences. "The response was shocking. We were told that a non-Muslim
    had no business to interfere in the internal affairs of the community,"
    recalls Dr. Krishnan.

    Above all, the whole system operates through a
    well-oiled network involving travel agents, hotel owners, the middlemen and the
    “qazi” or the cleric who marries off these minor girls.
    "There are too many people who have a stake in this. It is difficult to break
    this nexus," she says, adding that several women's groups have been
    trying to do so without much success.
    by Anita Katyal

  10. #10

    AW: Indien - Neuer Brautmarkt in Hyderabad


    Prof Dr Colonel ( retired) K Prabhakar Rao

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