Folgender Werbespot wurde von 'Bürger gegen Verschwendung durch die Regierung' finanziert.

Er soll vor den Folgen der Verstaatlichungen amerikanischer Unternehmen sowie vor einer Verschuldung der USA bei China warnen.

TV Ad: United States owes China

chanwangyue 26. Oktober 2010

This Ad was created by Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW).

For more information, please go to

Questions about this Ad:
Is this Ad really true??
Is China really that powerful nowadays??
In fact, I believe China still has much to learn.
Communism (or called republic) is not a way for the United States or China to go for.
We still need Democracy in the U.S.
I believe it still works.

These are just my own opinions. Thank you!
God bless you, and God bless the United States of America.


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